14 February 2019

Book collection

This March, partly in celebration of World Book Day, we are organising another book collection.

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This March, partly in celebration of World Book Day, we are organising another book collection.

Please drop books off at collection points around school, or in the Solefields carpark from 8-8:30 on 2 March, and 4-7 March. Alternatively, email Miss Davison.

The books will be shipped directly to communities in Ghana, and unpacked by our pupils and Ghanaian volunteers in the first Sevenoaks trip to Ghana this Easter.

We’d particularly love to receive:

  • Children’s fiction/non-fiction (children’s books with pop-ups, noises, etc are always popular!) 
  • Dictionaries (in English and in other languages – French is often studied).
  • Encyclopedias and atlases (again, recent is preferred)
  • Science books (these are in particularly high demand) 
  • Any educational resources (eg abacuses, shape boxes, spelling cards, posters, stationery etc.)
  • Excellent quality and fully operational laptops and mobile phones.
  • African books, or donations to allow us to supply our projects with African fiction and much-needed text books (here’s the link to donate to this cause: www.justgiving.com/reading-spots).

We request that the books are:

  • In good condition, or new (we will check everything that comes through).
  • If non-fiction: books should ideally not be not older than ten years old.
  • Not textbooks that are specific to UK syllabuses; they are simply not read.

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