
The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award

The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award was designed to challenge young people between the ages of 14-24 to attain standards of achievement and endeavour in a wide variety of active interests, to serve their communities, experience adventure and to develop and learn outside the classroom.

Today the majority of Year 10 pupils participate in the Bronze award, and over a third of these will continue with the Silver award in Year 11. In the Sixth Form around 50 pupils work towards the Gold award; some of these will join the programme as direct entrants at 16.

The award consists of activities in four sections (five if you’re going for Gold): Volunteering, Physical, Skills, Expedition and (for Gold) Residential.


students enrolled in the award

At Sevenoaks, pupils accumulate hours for their Volunteering, Skill and Physical through our VSU programme, Sport programme and often through independent interests of their own. Additionally, throughout the year they work with staff during lunchtimes and after school to prepare for the expedition section of the award.

  • Volunteering: Participants help less advantaged people in the local community.
  • Physical: This section gives participants the opportunity to develop in a physical activity of their choice.
  • Skills: Participants pursue a hobby, skill or interest.
  • Expedition: This section encourages participants to learn to use maps and to become self-sufficient whilst exploring the great outdoors. Participants must plan and execute a self-sufficient expedition with others. Strong team skills are essential. The school offers walking expeditions; two days at Bronze level, three and four days at Silver and Gold levels respectively.
  • Residential (Gold Only): This section involves spending five days and four nights in a new environment. It can be an opportunity to focus on an activity already pursued in a previous section, such as a sailing or a music course, or to experience and learn a completely new skill or activity, such as cookery or an introduction to medicine.

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