Sevenoaks School has a long history of providing financial assistance to enable young people of all backgrounds to benefit from the outstanding education we provide.


Pupils are in receipt of financial assistance

Our tradition of financial assistance began with the school’s foundation in 1432 by William Sevenoke. Today, the school continues to actively welcome applications from children who would only be able to take up their place with financial assistance.

Currently 80 pupils are in receipt of financial assistance, with some receiving additional support to cover the cost of uniform, trips and other extras. It is a key priority for the school to significantly increase the number of students we support financially over the coming years. Being part of an inclusive community enriches everyone’s learning and appreciation for the power and beauty of diversity, while providing students with the skills to work with people from a wide variety of backgrounds.

Very few members of staff and no students are aware who is in receipt of financial assistance.

Financial Assistance Leaflet








Financial assistance for current pupils

Families of existing pupils may apply for financial assistance if they experience a significant change in circumstances beyond their control that causes difficulty in paying tuition fees. Please contact the Director of Finance to discuss your situation.

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