Academic scholarships are awarded at all entry points: 11+, 13+ and Sixth Form. We are looking for candidates who will be the academic leaders in the year group and whose qualities are academic curiosity, the ability to think critically and to assimilate new ideas quickly.

Sevenoaks is a progressive, imaginative and academic school with a global outlook. Our unique curriculum is designed to provide coherence, balance and breadth, generating an appetite for learning and discovery in our students, and encouraging them to develop strong cultural awareness, a determination to be an influence for good, and a capacity for work, leadership and collaboration.

Our academic ethos

Scholarship Assessment Process

At 11+ (Year 7)


At 13+ (Year 9)


Sixth Form (16+)


“I love the Middle School scholars’ Schickler Society. I look forward to it every week because it's a great opportunity to learn more about the world outside of Sevenoaks and has allowed me to form my own opinions. Such a society is the kind of thing I hope exists in schools everywhere, as I believe that listening to others' opinions and creating one's own ideas are vital to a school environment. ”

Saskia - Academic scholar

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