14 November 2019

Santiago de Compostela study trip

Year 10 students visited Santiago de Compostela during half term on a Spanish study trip.

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Year 10 students visited Santiago de Compostela during half term on a Spanish study trip. It is hard for me to say which part of the trip I enjoyed the most, as everything about Santiago was amazing!

We enjoyed two educationally enriching day trips, including one to an aquarium, where we all relished learning the Spanish names of the aquatic creatures as well as watching the seals being fed, and partially understanding their history.

When we met up with the Spanish students, I was amazed at how much English they spoke. I loved talking to them, as well as testing my grasp of the language as well. We had classes to improve our language skills and the teacher we had was excellent.

After a hard day of learning at the academy, our group headed to a salsa class. There we had to work as a team and helping each other out.

At the end of the road, I was startled by how much Spanish I had picked up. My pronunciation was much clearer and my accuracy had improved.

Overall, it has been one of the best trips of my time at Sevenoaks School (so far…).

Helena Kiggell, Year 10

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