14 May 2019

SSC Technology Show

On 2 May we hosted the SSC Technology Show (Robotics and Visual Communication) in the Science and Technology Centre.

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On 2 May we hosted the SSC Technology Show (Robotics and Visual Communication) in the Science and Technology Centre.

The exposition opened on the valley level of the science centre, 3d printers, laser cutters and CNC embroidery machines hummed and bleeped in the background providing the sound track to the evening.

Projects ranged from conceptual remote research vessels to breathalysers which had to be used before a car’s starter engine could turn. The hundreds of hours of tireless prototyping and programming were obvious in the showcases; complex robotic spiders and stunning websites were mixed in with practical access control models using near field communication and radio frequency identification technology. This was a chance for those who had worked on their projects to present them whilst innovative advertising techniques were competing for attention. Business cards were handed out; prototype products passed around and extensively tested. Building models were examined; integrated pillow-alarm systems as well as text activated door locks were demonstrated; and there were queues for practical demonstrations of products.

The atmosphere was awe-inspiring. Younger years seeking inspiration for their own technology projects joined friends and family in conversing with candidates. The interest shown not just in the projects themselves but in how they worked and how they had been developed was outstanding, this was due in part to the fascinatingly detailed documentation of the design process used to develop the products.

Overall, the technology exposition was incredibly interesting and was a great experience.


Henry Hollingworth, Year 10.


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