08 June 2023

Sporting highlights

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At the Kent club championships, Charlotte Bloodworth won U15 gold and the cup in the discus, gained silver in the U15 in the hammer with a new PB of over 30m (4cm off the first place distance) and reached the finals for both 800m and 300m.


Elodie de Jonge had a successful tri-nations tournament where the two England teams took first and second place by beating Scotland and Wales by big margins and lost marginally to the others. She is about to go off to Serbia for a training camp and a few more international matches.


Charlton Athletic have offered Anjola Adekoya a place in the U15 Girls Academy squad for the 2023/24 season.


Sevenoaks won he South East Region of the HMC Foursomes Golf Tournament win a 2-1 win over Tonbridge School in the final on Tuesday 23 May and have qualified for the nationals.

This came following victories over Eastbourne College, Brighton College and Ardingly College in previous rounds.  The team of Tom Day (U6), Ollie Pryal (U6), Fred Ivey (L6), Juan Pablo Barona Velasquez (L6), Adele de Saab (L6) and Sanjana Sharma (10) have been hugely impressive throughout with wins never really being in doubt.

This has been the highlight of a hugely impressive year for the golfers who have produced a win rate of over 75% across both the Michaelmas and Summer terms.  Kobi Smith (11), Tienn Kapilasena (L6), Harry Stone (L6) and Ronnie Chen (L6) have all performed admirably across the season and picked up vital points to ensure wins.


Well done to Freddie Pointon, Max Malkinson, Harry Stone and Daniel Hadden who completed a  half-iron man around Sevenoaks and the school. They did this event to help raise money for the charity Chasing Connor’s Cure, which aims to fund research for muscular dystrophy. They have raised an impressive £2,639 to date. Donate here.


Lara Bailey, Ella Christopherson and Anjola Adekoya all got selected into the final round of trials for the London pulse U15 school games squad. Lara and Ella have also both been selected into the final long squad of 20 players.


Over half term, at the nationals Jamie Middleburgh and Jasper Nelson were the first school boat overall. Oliver Chambers came middle of the pack in the silver competition. Susanna Local and Grace Davies also competed and loved the experience.

Our students sailed in a keel boat 50 miles around the Isle of Wight. They didn’t quite sail around the Island due to the sea state but a fantastic experience.


Congratulations to Ciara Boulanger who came third at the French U15 Nationals.

Old Sennockians

Thirty-six Old Guard tourists ranging from 2004-2022 leavers attended the Amsterdam 7s tournament with quality rugby on display throughout. Any leavers who want to know more can contact JCE or JDC.

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