17 May 2024

In conversation with Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt MP

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Sevenoaks School were delighted to host an ‘In Conversation’ event with the Chancellor, the Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt MP.

The event was led by a group of Lower Sixth students, all with a particular interest in politics.

Mr Hunt spoke about the good and bad about a career in politics including a story when he met Donald Trump and the phone calls he missed before picking up to be offered the job of Chancellor. Students then asked a range of different questions about contemporary political issues. Questions included:

  • Do you think the UK has a greater responsibility to play in the Israel/Palestine conflict?
  • Should there be greater reform in planning and tax systems to reduce the housing crisis facing the UK today?
  • What would you say to young people who struggle to find both realistic and strong role models in UK politics today?
  • What are your thoughts on the potential abolishment of charitable status for private schools?
  • What was your path from school to politics?

Mr Hunt then spent time answering questions from the audience including:

  • What are the treasury’s strategies for promoting economic growth without causing sustainability issues?
  • What do you think are the biggest issues facing the health and education sectors in the next 10 years?
  • What are your views on the growth of Artificial Intelligence?
  • A full audience in The Space marked the final Academic Enrichment Guest Speaker event of the school calendar year.

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