Over the weekend, a team of four cadets (Jaiman Abson, Ben Hunter, Nadia Reavy, Rafe Wormsley) took part in the 11th SFA Brigade’s Cadet Skill at Arms competition.
Out of the four different events, they won three of them by a good margin and (narrowly) placed second in the fourth. Consequently, Sevenoaks were awarded best CCF unit, best overall team, and winners of the Falling Plate knockout competition.
Congratulations to Rafe Wormsley, who won the best cadet scoring 701 points, beating the next individual by over 80 points.
Eighteen teams competed, and these teams were selected from both CCF and Army Cadet Force units which total over 13,000 cadets.
This brilliant result means we have gained a place at the national competition, best of luck to our cadets!