04 July 2021


This year marks the first edition of ‘Virtual Verve’ – a new-look version of the school’s creative writing magazine.

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This year marks the first edition of ‘Virtual Verve’ – a new-look version of the school’s creative writing magazine.

During lockdown in January, a group of Lower Sixth students established the Verve editing team. They chose the theme Zoom In, to encourage students to reflect on the events and challenges we have faced over the past year: from zoom calls to socially distanced walks to empty supermarket aisles. With any exceptional circumstance or unprecedented event comes opportunity, and Verve has been an excellent platform for students to share their stories through prose and poetry.  

This year’s magazine has been student-led. The Lower Sixth team chose all the creative material and combined this with striking images and original layout. They also ran a creative writing competition with the help of Year 7 and 8 English teachers, and the winners of these competitions have been recognised in Verve.

Congratulations to all writers and editors. It has been a great achievement in challenging circumstances and stands as a testament to the enduring power of language and the imagination to give voice to our shared experiences in troubling times.

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