21 March 2022

The UOcean Project

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The UOcean Project aims to remove 1 billion kilograms of plastic from the oceans, starting by clearing rivers, canals and beaches, and to raise awareness of the problems caused by everyday consumption of plastic.  

As part of the school’s work with the UOcean Project, we have opened a new chapter for the Sevenoaks area and have so far carried out a successful litter pick with a group of students. We are hoping to expand this chapter, encouraging more people to join and help restore the local natural environment.

Within the school we have raised awareness for the project in assemblies and with posters around the campus. Finally, we recruited students to perform at a dance show in The Space on 17 March, selling over 200 tickets and raising over £1000 for the UOcean Project. 

We have developed many skills in the process. These range from project management through organising the litter pick, where we also gained further understanding of route planning and map-reading, to improving our design and communication skills by creating posters and cards which are sustainable and plastic free, having the opportunity to work directly with the founder of UOcean, Chris Desai, in this process.   


The UOcean student team 

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