Students have been enjoying weekly visits to Kippingtons Nursing Home as part of our Service programme.
Visits consist mainly of talking and exchanging experiences with the residents and students have been involved in a range of activities, from playing games to painting nails and making Christmas decorations. Our Music group have also performed some favourite songs at the home.
These intergenerational bonds can benefit residents by combatting loneliness, improving mental and physical wellbeing, and promoting mutual learning between generations.
Having those key connections with the people that live at Kippingtons, and dedicating a day to others is fulfilling and understanding people’s life history is described as a wonderful experience by our students.
Paul Harvey, Sixth Form Divisional Head at Sevenoaks School said, “I am delighted that we have regular visits to Kippingtons. Our Sixth Formers enjoy their visits; as they adapt to their new home (in a boarding house) and schoolwork, they also benefit from visiting the home every Thursday to give their time, empathy, and humour to the residents. As I have seen for myself, they do a wonderful job, joining in with activities, listening and chatting, building relationships from week to week. I know from their conversations with me how important these visits are to them; they know they are using and developing aspects of themselves beyond their academic skills.”
Read more here.