25 August 2017

Students celebrate outstanding Year 11 results

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Sevenoaks School is celebrating outstanding examination results for Year 11.

94% of the examinations taken by the 157 candidates were awarded A* or A grades. 61 students – over a third of the year group – gained ten A*s or more each, and 134 students (over 85%) gained 9 or more A* or A grades. All but twenty results out of 1611 examinations were awarded grade B or above.

All students took three separate IGCSE sciences, Mathematics and English Language.

We were particularly delighted by the success in our own externally moderated Sevenoaks School Certificate in English Literature, now in its seventh year, and by the results in their third awarding year of Art, Drama, Music, Technology (Robotics) and Technology (Visual Communications).

The Head, Dr Katy Ricks, said, ‘These results are excellent, and a superb achievement for both students and teachers. We are delighted that our students start the IB Diploma Programme with such strong qualifications.’

74% of all examinations were graded A*94% of all examinations were graded A or A* 61 students gained 10 or more A* grades


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