19 September 2016

Rapidplay Chess Tournament

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Sevenoaks competed in the Rapidplay Chess Tournament at Eton College on 18 September, coming 13th out of 50 schools and qualifying for the next round, with a standout performance by Oge Flagg-Igbo.

The Sevenoaks team of Jackson Wen, Laurence Lam, Oge Flagg-Igbo, Victor Poracchia, Alex Potter and Rayan Melwani scored 17.5 out of 30 points. Jackson and Laurence both performed extremely well, winning three games out of the five that they played on Boards 1 and 3 respectively. Being the newest members of the team, Victor and Alex (who had never actually played in a tournament before) scored two out of five, which was quite an accomplishment considering that their opponents were much older than them. Without a doubt, this was an important experience for them as they are the future of the Sevenoaks School Chess Team.

Our chess man of the match was Oge Flagg-Igbo, who managed to only lose one game, scoring four out of five points. Kudos to him for his consistent play and ability to get the job done when necessary. Overall, this was an enlightening and successful trip for the team, and hopefully the beginning of many more to come!

Rayan Melwani

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