01 March 2022

KAN February Meet-up

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On the 28 February we had 94% of our current cohorts arrive at Sevenoaks School for their meet-up day. Each year-group had a fantastic workshop run by 2-3 degrees and a session tailored to their cohort. These were:

  • Post-16 pathways and independent learning skills led Johnathon Bridges of Goldsmiths University of London for the 2021 cohort.
  • A session about revision planning led by Elen Harris, a Sevenoaks School teacher for the 2020 cohort.
  • A talk by Ali Bahcaci of John Wallis Academy, giving advice to the students about visiting universities for the 2019 cohort.
  • A mentor led discussion about budgeting and meal-planning with the 2018 cohort.  

In our feedback surveys (34 participants in November 2022 and 35 in February 2023) we found that:

  • Across both meet-up days students said that they felt supported by their KAN network (82% and 83%)
  • Across both meet-up days students said that the sessions were interesting and well delivered (94% and 97%)
  • Our February meet-up made students more enthusiastic about their school-work than our November one (69% compared to 59%)

In response to the question “what does KAN mean to you” students spoke about the following:

  • Support
  • Helping to achieve goals
  • Opportunities

When asked the best thing about the day a large proportion of our survey participants mentioned meeting up with their cohort or the 2-3 degrees workshop.

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