How to Visit

There are lots of ways to visit the school. We hold one large Open Morning a year in mid-June and regular group visits during term-time. You can also meet us during our international trips, at school fairs and at the Independent Schools Show.

If you have already attended one of our events and wish to discuss an application to the school, we would be happy to arrange an individual meeting with Admissions. Please contact the Registrar for 11+ and 13+ entry, or the Sixth Form Registrar to make an appointment.



Open Mornings

We hold two annual open mornings. The June Open Day is our largest event, with taster activities across the campus, and all our key academic, cocurricular and senior staff available to talk to you. The September Open Day is a little smaller, but gives you the chance to see several aspects of the school in action and to meet a range of staff. Both Open Days feature the Headmaster in conversation with students.

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