Location and Campus

Sevenoaks Fireworks

Sevenoaks Round Table Fireworks

September 2023

Sevenoaks School has supported the Sevenoaks Round Table for nearly 40 years by hosting its charity fireworks event free of charge on our Duke’s Meadow playing fields.

We are so disappointed not be able to host the event this year and that Sevenoaks Round Table have been unable to find an alternative venue. We are already looking at how we can host an event for the community next year in a safe and sustainable way.

In recent years, visitor numbers have grown to levels that the school campus cannot safely accommodate. After a comprehensive risk assessment following last year’s event, with independent advice and careful consideration and discussion, we can no longer be assured of adequate health and safety and security arrangements for an event which has grown in numbers of attendees year on year.

We are pleased that so many people have enjoyed the fireworks over the years, and the school is proud to have supported Sevenoaks Round Table’s fundraising for many local causes.

The school hopes to find alternative ways to support Sevenoaks Round Table’s important fundraising work in the future. We work closely with the local community and hold many different types of fundraising events, including for the first time this year the Schools Triathlon, which raised £93,000 for charity.