28 September 2020

Sporting highlights

Some brilliant netball and tennis news with many taking part in sports clubs in and outside of school.

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30 pupils played either junior or adult hockey during the past weekend for Hockey Club Knole Park or Sevenoaks Hockey club.


Congratulations to Ellie Allen, Maddie Brown, Telia Green and Sasha Kelly who have successfully been selected for Pulse Pathway hubs and Izzy Fox, who has a further trial for the U19 squad!


The club has started up again with ten students from Y7,8 and 9 training for 30mins per bubble and each loving hitting the kick towers. Thanks to Sennocke staff, Reece Crowhurst and Max Holley for helping move the towers for up to the Dance Studio, plus 50kg of sand into the tower bases!


Congratulations to Nate de Mariveles who won the U14 Doubles event at Sundridge Park and also to Tommy Cuomo for coming runner up.

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