13 October 2021

Mental Health and Wellbeing Awareness Week

Last week our whole school community came together to focus on the promotion of positive mental health and wellbeing.

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Last week our whole school community came together to focus on the promotion of positive mental health and wellbeing. 

A number of taster sessions in Listening, Mindfulness, Soundbath, Qigong and Yoga were added to our existing programme of clubs and sports for both students and staff to try. A range of well-being activities were also fitted into the final ten minutes of Period Four on each day of the week in the popular ‘P4 Pause for 10’ where staff and students played games, meditated, did Body Pump and shared their favourite ‘happy’ songs to name just a few. In addition, drop-in counselling sessions were promoted and the idea of self-care explored.

The idea was to encourage a sense of balance between work and wellbeing that also helped to encourage closer relationships between groups.

The awareness week was really well supported and students and staff have been completing feedback surveys on the initiative. Popular activities will be added to our extensive existing co-curricular programme, creating lots of different opportunities for our school community to support each other.

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