The Christmas Bazaar which recently took place at The Space raised an incredible £3200 for PROMO and the charities the school is fundraising for this year.
All the stallholders had a very successful morning, our student entrepreneurial and fundraising groups had the opportunity to sell their products, and the 18 pupils on the organising team learned a great deal about event management and marketing through the weekly organisational meetings held since the end of September.
Big thank you to PX Yeoh who was in charge of the management of the event. The energy, dedication and sheer organisational expertise were amazing. Yasmine Kanagalingam was also brilliant in leading the marketing team, and both Sean Lee and Ben Colley contributed particularly well to the event. Thank you to the whole team, as well as the PROMO team who joined us towards the end. It was a fun and festive morning and a great success.